HKP2 in Pictures (and some words)

Basically just pictures this post πŸ™‚ Hong Kong was great, but I am happy to be going home! We went to a dim sum tonight and it was exquisite! Steamed pork dumplings, steamed pork dumplings with black truffle (we splurged!), spicy shrimp/pork, pork bun, beef noodle and oolong tea (which I much prefer hot). It was the perfect ending dinner!

Green rice is a mint/coconut mile Indonesian rice. It was most delish as well. That was last night’s dinner with beef satay. The end of the conference was really nice, and I am looking forward to starting some new things!

We leave HK tomorrow and should be home by 4:00!
Thanks to Luci for being a great travel companion! We had a lot of fun exploring and shopping together! It was great getting to know Erik more-he is a fellow buttercream frosting lover…one who will take frosting over the cake. That’s a person I get along with!!! πŸ™‚

Luci and I finished the night with martini’s on the 47th floor rooftop bar.
SO with that, good night!


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